
DoodleZenDotZ Design
5 Hours
This class is TOO MUCH FUN! Everyone loves to doodle. We’ll play with a couple of doodle exercises. One of the designs will be done in bobbin embroidery. Next we’ll explore painting dotz on the fabric. Then add color and texture to your bobbin embroidery design with lots of DOTS of paint... It is soooo relaxing AND beautiful.

Click here if you're interested in booking this workshop.

Painted FaceDoodleZenDotZ Intensive
2 Days
Everyone loves to doodle. We’ll play with a wide variety of doodle exercises including letters, shapes, repeats, borders, symmetry and lots more. One design will be finalized and bobbin embroidered. Next we’ll explore DotZ – tools to create them, different ways to fill a space, and alternative materials to use. Doodle and Dotting are very relaxing activities – it’s almost meditative.

Click here if you're interested in booking this workshop.

NoSew DoodleZenDotZ
5 Hours
If you would like to just explore the doodling and dotting techniques this is the class for you. We’ll experiment with lots of different doodling exercises including letters, shapes, repeats, borders, symmetry and lots more. Next we’ll explore DotZ – tools to create them, different ways to fill a space, and alternative materials to use. Doodle and Dotting are very relaxing activities – it’s almost meditative.

Click here if you're interested in booking this workshop.